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Best Tips For Maintaining Balance Between Studies & Job

Balance is the most important word of your life as it depends on all the success that you get in your personal, family, academic and professional life. The word balance is applied from the early years of your life when a balanced diet is suggested to keep you healthy. Then you have to keep a balance in your relationships with family and friends. If you spend more time with your family and do not enjoy the company of friends you become introverted.

But if your stay out with friends all the time and seldom seek the company of your family you don’t have a family life at all. This balance has to be maintained in your life as a student too. Too much academic pressure of today may try to keep you away from other activities. It is in your hands, to maintain a perfect balance and be successful in both academic and professional roles. There are many students who maintain this balance by hiring Cheap Uni Assignment Help in Dubai to do the university assignments for them so that they could pay attention to their job.

The best way to lead a successful and happy life is to maintain a perfect balance between study, work, relationships, and all other aspects of life. The following are some useful tips that you can use to maintain this balance.

Make A Time Table

It may look old-fashioned to you but making a traditional timetable is a very good option that you should follow. When you make a timetable you will be able to know the time that you spend in college and the time you spend at your job. This way you can make an estimate of the time that you take for commuting from one place to another. Your day should start with a morning walk, jogging, or swimming. The household chores that you do in your dorm should also be a part of this timetable. The time you spend with friends and your sleep time all should be there in that timetable. After making the timetable you should check for some extra minutes that you can get by cutting down the amount of time your spend on non-constructive work.

Mark Your Tasks As Per Priority

Once you have made a timetable, you should mark your tasks according to their priority. If you have a test to take at college it should be your top priority as handing it out with friends at that time is not important. Likewise, if you have something important to manage at work you should mark that as your top priority. When there is a priority list you can do the most important things in one day and do less important things the next day. This way you get less fatigued and all the work can be managed easily.

Learn Time Management

One of the most important skills that you should learn right from the very beginning of your adult life is the skill of time management. You should try to do the maximum amount of important work in the shortest amount of time without compromising on the quality of the work that you do. Some students do not perform well at work as they have to handle the tasks of day-to-day life as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. You should plan your activities ahead of time. It is better to dedicate certain days to laundry and groceries and for cooking and cleaning. The wise students do groceries fortnightly and laundry every weekend, so that there is no work pressure on weekdays. The students try to cook food for five days at the weekend so that they don’t have to cook on weekdays.

Learn To Say No

If you have a tight schedule to follow you should learn to say no to the activities that you don’t like. For example, going to clubs or watching games with friends when you are not interested in it.

Take Care Of Yourself

To perform well as a student and an employee you have to take good care of yourself. It is a fact, that a huge percentage of college students have to pay back the academic loans for which they do part-time jobs. Their work schedule becomes so hectic that they cannot spare even an hour for themselves. If you belong to this group of students you should try to take some time out for yourself. If you are stress-free and healthy only then you can show good performance both as a student and an employee. Even if it is for 5 minutes you should try to spend a little time with nature as it freshens you up and is very soothing for your nerves. A stress-free employee is a treasure for the employer.

Ask For Help When It Is Needed

Many students of colleges and universities have to suffer from nervous breakdowns. The main reason for this is that they feel that they won’t be able to manage both work and studies, or they find the coursework too tough. You should not think about it for such a long time that you get a nervous breakdown, if you find the coursework difficult you should seek the help of an academic advisor, but if you need some help with a chapter or two you can ask for the help from your teachers and your classmates . Likewise, if you have to lift a heavy article on your job don’t try to live it alone and ask for help. If you are assigned a written assignment try not to do it if you don’t have time and hire cheap SPSS assignment writing services.

Socializing Is A Must

When the exams are approaching most students get so busy with their studies that they neglect their health. Too much stress from exams keeps you from taking them as your health is not good enough to take the test. To do great in your exams and at work, you should take a break from both take 2 days off and spend some time with family and friends.

If you successfully follow the above-mentioned tips you won’t have a problem in your academic and professional life.

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